_ Star Beta Technologies 

General Disclaimers

This document has been prepared by Star Beta Technologies Pty Ltd (ABN 18 669 126 747) (AFSL 551305) (‘Star Beta, ‘we’ or ‘us’), and is for general information purposes only and is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial product or service. The material has been prepared for investors who qualify as wholesale clients under sections 761G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or to any other person who is not required to be given a regulated disclosure document under the Corporations Act. The material is not intended to provide you with financial or tax advice and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.

Although we believe the material is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability or completeness is given, except for liability under statute which cannot be excluded.

Investments involve risk. Prior to considering an investment you should obtain the Fund Offer Document which will outline the risks involved and other relevant information. Please note that past performance may not be indicative of future performance and that no guarantee of performance, the return of capital or a particular rate of return is given.

This material is proprietary to Star Beta. The recipient of this material agrees not to reproduce or distribute this material in whole or in part and not to disclose any of its contents to any other person.